Senior High School

The Senior High school program
Senior High School (SHS) refers to Grades 11 and 12, the last two years of the K to 12 Basic Education Program. In SHS, students are required to go through a core curriculum and subjects under a track of their choice.
The SHS Curriculum, as part of the K to 12 Program, aims to produce graduates who have the following characteristics:
· Holistically developed;
· Equipped with 21st century skills (i.e., learning and innovation skills, life and career skills, communication skills, and information media and technology skills); and
· Prepared for the future, be it in pursuit of higher education or acquisition of middle-level skills, or geared towards employment or entrepreneurship
The Senior High School program aims to help TFVCians to become capable, compassionate and dedicated in pursuing excellence as life–long learners in an ever–changing world.
Honoring achievement of every individual and promoting pride in ourselves, in our institution and in our community.
We envision our students completing college education, ready to face career challenges, and making use of the intellectual, social, and technological skills they acquired from the Senior High School program.
To achieve its mission, we will
- Create relevant learning opportunities for students – both inside and outside the classroom.
- Build meaningful partnerships with families and the community.
- Prepare students for college education by developing their knowledge, critical thinking skills, and character necessary to succeed in a technologically advanced world.
The Academic Track of TFVC is intended for students who want to pursue higher education (college) after they graduate in senior high. There are four different strands offered under the Academic Track: 1) General Academic Strand (GAS), 2) Accountancy and Business Management (ABM), 3) Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), and 4) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) strands. Students must choose a strand based on their specific career choices as each strand has its own specializations and set of challenges.
General Academic Strand (GAS)
This strand provides a flexible curriculum that allows students to experience and learn the electives of all the other Academic Strands. This is a good option for students who haven’t made up their mind yet as to what college degree to take in college. Since GAS is not specialized compared to other strands, students can pursue a wide range of courses in college.
Accountancy and Business Management (ABM) Strand
This strand is right for students who are planning to pursue a career in business or finance. This is also good for would-be entrepreneurs who wanted to venture in a business in the future. It is designed to train students in the basic concepts of business management including planning, operations and finance.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
This strand is designed for students who want a career on science and technology in the future. It offers subjects related to engineering, science and technology. This strand is useful if you plan to take up any of the following couses:
- Environmental Science, Applied Physics, Nursing, Pharmacy, Medical Technology, Food Technology, Physical Therapy
- Computer Science, Information Technology, Information Systems
- Any engineering course such as Computer, Electrical, Chemical, Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
- Mathematics, Applied Math, Statistics
Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) Strand
This strand is good for students who intend to pursue a Bachelor of Arts such as Philosophy, Literature, English, Linguistics, Communications and Filipino.