College of Business Administration and Accountancy

The College of Business Administration and Accountancy commits to train and develop students with relevant theoretical and functional knowledge, skills and technology and imbued with values of excellence, moral uprightness, and fortitude.
The College of Business Administration and Accountancy envisions to be recognized as a leading institution in Taguig City that produces morally upright and competent accountants and business professionals with unwavering commitment to quality education towards local and global competitiveness.
1. To continuously upgrade curricula to keep pace with the ever changing needs of the business education and industry sectors;
2. To inculcate in the minds of the students the value of academic excellence, professional work ethics and social responsibility;
3. To ensure that its faculty members are keep abreast with emerging issues and principles and latest developments in the field of business administration and accountancy;
4. To encourage research and development among faculty and students by integrating research outputs in teaching and as output requirements for students in the form of marketing research and feasibility study; and
5. To provide related learning experience to students through community service and on-the-job trainings.
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) major in Marketing Management
The Marketing Management program is a four-year course which prepares the students to be responsive to the total environment by providing technical skills and competencies in the areas of marketing. Theory is blended with practicum activities to give the students a broad and enriched base for career in marketing.
The objectives of the program:
1. Help the students to seek employment and entry level jobs or positions of responsibility as marketing manager, marketing executive or marketing director.
2. Guide the students in organizing or managing entrepreneurial activities if they decide to be self-employed.
3. Equip students with knowledge of the principles and concepts of marketing.
4. Prepare students to pursue a teaching career or graduate studies in business.
Career Opportunities for BSBA Graduates
Entry Level Jobs:
Management Trainee in Marketing, Marketing Assistant, Account Executive, Merchandiser, PR/Advertising Assistant, Service Crew, Customer Service Agent/Representative, Junior Sales Trainer, Receptionist, Entrepreneur, Product/Brand/Assistant, Order/Billing Assistant
Advanced Office Positions:
Any supervisory or managerial job in the field of specialization, government and private
BSBA Curriculum
1st YEAR
GE101 | Understanding the Self | 3 |
GE102 | Mathematics in the Modern World | 3 |
GE103 | Purposive Communication | 3 |
GE104 | Kontekswalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino | 3 |
MM101 | Human Behavior in Organizations | 3 |
MM102 | IT Application Tools in Business | 3 |
NSTP1 | Civic Welfare Training Service 1 | 3 |
PE101 | Physical Fitness | 2 |
CE101 | The Gospels | 1 |
GE105 | Rizal’s Life and Works | 3 |
GE106 | Filipino sa Iba’t Ibang Disiplina | 3 |
GE107 | Philippine Literature | 3 |
BAC1 | Business Law (Obligations and Contracts) | 3 |
CBME1 | Operations Management and TQM | 3 |
ELEC1 | Personal Finance | 3 |
NSTP2 | Civic Welfare Training Service 2 | 3 |
PE102 | Rhythmic Activities | 2 |
CE102 | The Epistles | 1 |
2nd YEAR
GE108 | Science, Technology, and Society | 3 |
GE109 | People and the Earth’s Ecosystem | 3 |
BAC2 | Basic Microeconomics | 3 |
BAC3 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
CBME2 | Strategic Management | 3 |
PROF1 | Marketing Management | 3 |
MM103 | Financial Management | 3 |
PE103 | Recreational Activities | 2 |
CE103 | The Laws | 1 |
GE110 | The Contemporary World | 3 |
GE111 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
BAC4 | Income Taxation | 3 |
BAC5 | International Business and Trade | 3 |
PROF2 | Product Management | 3 |
ELEC2 | Sales Management | 3 |
ELEC3 | Strategic Marketing Management | 3 |
PE104 | Individual, Dual & Combative Sports | 2 |
CE104 | The Prophets | 1 |
3rd YEAR
GE112 | Readings in Philippine History | 3 |
BAC6 | Business Research | 3 |
PROF3 | Professional Salesmanship | 3 |
PROF4 | Distribution Management | 3 |
ELEC4 | Industrial/Agricultural Marketing | 3 |
ELEC5 | Consumer Behavior | 3 |
ELEC6 | Entrepreneurial Management | 3 |
MM104 | Labor Law and Legislation | 3 |
GE113 | Philippine Indigenous Communities | 3 |
BAC7 | Good Governance and Social Responsibility | 3 |
PROF5 | Retail Management | 3 |
PROF6 | Pricing Strategy | 3 |
PROF7 | Marketing Research | 3 |
ELEC7 | E-commerce and Internet Marketing | 3 |
ELEC8 | Services Marketing | 3 |
ELEC9 | Cooperative Marketing | 3 |
4th YEAR
GE114 | Ethics | 3 |
MMOJT | Internship (600 hours) | 6 |
BAC8 | Thesis or Feasibility Study | 3 |
GE115 | Philippine Popular Culture | 3 |
PROF8 | Advertising | 3 |
ELEC10 | New Market Development | 3 |
ELEC11 | Franchising | 3 |
ELEC12 | Environmental Marketing | 3 |
ELEC13 | International Marketing | 3 |
ELEC14 | Direct Marketing | 3 |
ELEC15 | Special Topics in Marketing Management | 3 |
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (BSA)
The BSA program is a four-year degree program that prepares students for careers in accounting and related disciplines. The primary goal of accounting education is to produce competent professional accountants who possess professional knowledge, skills, and values, ethics and attitudes capable of making positive contribution to the profession and society.
Career Opportunities for BSA Graduates
Entry Level Jobs: Audit/Tax Staff, Management Services/Consulting Staff, Financial Accounting Staff, Management Accounting/Tax Accounting Staff, Financial Analyst, Budget/Credit Analyst, Cost Accountant, State Accounting Examiner, State/LGU Accountant, Revenue Officer, Audit Examiner, Budget Analyst, Financial Services Specialist, Junior Accounting Instructor
Middle-level Positions: Audit/Tax Manager, Consulting Manager, Comptroller, Senior Information Systems Auditor, Senior Fraud Examiner, Senior Forensic Auditor, State Accountant V, Director III and Director IV, Government Accountancy and Audit, Financial Services/Audit Services Manager, Senior Auditor, Senior Faculty, Accounting Department Chair
Advanced Positions: Partner, Senior Partner, Senior Consultant/Financial Advisor, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, National Treasurer, Vice President for Finance, Commissioner, Associate Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner, (COA, BIR, BOC), Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean
BSA Curriculum
1st YEAR
GE101 | Understanding the Self | 3 |
GE102 | Mathematics in the Modern World | 3 |
GE103 | Purposive Communication | 3 |
GE104 | Kontekswalisadong Komunikasyon sa Filipino | 3 |
AE19 | Financial Management | 3 |
AE21 | IT Application Tools in Business | 3 |
ELEC2 | Human Behavior in Organizations | 3 |
NSTP1 | Civic Welfare Training Service 1 | 3 |
PE101 | Physical Fitness | 2 |
CE101 | The Gospels | 1 |
GE105 | Rizal’s Life and Works | 3 |
GE106 | Filipino sa Iba’t Ibang Disiplina | 3 |
GE107 | Philippine Literature | 3 |
AE1 | Law on Obligations and Contracts | 3 |
AE13 | Financial Accounting and Reporting | 3 |
AE14 | Conceptual Framework and Acctng. Standards | 3 |
CBME1 | Operations Management and TQM | 3 |
NSTP2 | Civic Welfare Training Service 2 | 3 |
PE102 | Rhythmic Activities | 2 |
CE102 | The Epistles | 1 |
2nd YEAR
GE108 | Science, Technology, and Society | 3 |
GE109 | People and the Earth’s Ecosystem | 3 |
AE2 | Business Laws and Regulations | 3 |
AE4 | Management Science | 3 |
AE12 | Economic Development | 3 |
AE15 | Intermediate Accounting 1 | 3 |
AE10 | Business Ethics, Risk Mgmt, and Int. Control | 3 |
CBME2 | Strategic Management | 3 |
PE103 | Recreational Activities | 2 |
CE103 | The Laws | 1 |
GE110 | The Contemporary World | 3 |
GE111 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
AE3 | Reg. Framework and Legal Issues in Buss. | 3 |
AE5 | International Business and Trade | 3 |
AE9 | Statistical Analysis with Software Application | 3 |
AE22 | Cost Accounting and Control | 3 |
AE16 | Intermediate Accounting 2 | 3 |
AE26 | Income Taxation | 3 |
PE104 | Individual, Dual, and Combative Sports | 2 |
CE104 | The Prophets | 1 |
3rd YEAR
GE112 | Readings in Philippine History | 3 |
GE113 | Business Logic | 3 |
PrE1 | Auditing and Assurance Principles | 3 |
PrE2 | Aud. and Assurance: Concepts and Appl. 1 | 3 |
PrE7 | Accounting for Business Combinations | 3 |
PrE8 | Acctng. for Gov’t and Non-profit Organizations | 3 |
AE17 | Intermediate Accounting 3 | 3 |
AE20 | Accounting Information System | 3 |
AE25 | Business Taxation | 3 |
GE114 | Philippine Indigenous Communities | 3 |
AE6 | Accounting Research Methods | 3 |
AE18 | Financial Markets | 3 |
AE23 | Strategic Cost Management | 3 |
PrE3 | Aud. and Assurance: Concepts and Appl. 2 | 3 |
PrE4 | Auditing and Assurance: Specialized Industries | 3 |
PrE6 | Accounting for Special Transactions | 3 |
Elec3 | Operations Auditing | 3 |
Elec4 | Valuation Concepts and Methods | 3 |
4th YEAR
GE115 | Ethics | 3 |
AE7 | Accounting Internship (600 hours) | 6 |
AE8 | Accountancy Research | 3 |
GE116 | Philippine Popular Culture | 3 |
PrE5 | Auditing in a Comp. Info. System Environment | 3 |
AE24 | Strategic Business Analysis | 3 |
Elec1 | Updates in Financial Reporting Standards | 3 |
AE11 | Managerial Economics | 3 |
CMP13 | Principles and Methods of Teaching Accounting | 3 |
IA1 | Financial Accounting and Reporting | 2 |
IA2 | Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting | 2 |
IA3 | Regulatory Framework for Buss. Transactions | 2 |
IA4 | Taxation | 2 |
IA5 | Auditing | 2 |
IA6 | Management Advisory Services | 2 |