College of Education

“Unity is the key to success!” – Education Department
The College of Education aims to prepare highly qualified, caring, and effective educators through the integration of effective teaching theories with practice. Our graduates view education as a profession whose goal is to develop student’s minds as powerful thinkers and problem-solvers.
The College of Education will be acknowledged as a prime institution in Metro Manila with graduates that are professional educators who are committed, passionate and service-oriented, ready to make a difference in the lives of young learners..
1. To provide curricular programs that foster academic breadth and depth with flexible learning opportunities and possibilities.
2. To improve learning environments of students through improved facilities, instructional resources, and by promoting positive ways of social interaction.
3. To provide professional development to faculty members to enhance knowledge and skills by participating in new technology training, new pedagogical workshops and conference.
4. To promote student volunteerism in the community.
Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSE) Major in English
This program has been designed to provide training both in theory practice as, well as personality development and character building, required of high school teachers. Prospective secondary education teachers are equipped with relevant competencies to teach in their chosen area of specialization or major.
Career Opportunities for BSE Graduates
Secondary education is a versatile program for today’s educators. BSE graduates may pursue a career as an educator in various forms in the secondary setting both here and abroad. Graduates may apply as a teacher specializing in a particular subject, school administrator, guidance counselor, or college faculty, among others. Outside the campus there are opportunities as private tutor, coach, coordinator, resource person, or community adviser.
BSE-English Curriculum
1st YEAR
GE 105 | Purposive Communication | 3 |
GE 109 | Kontekstwalisado ng Kom. Sa Filipino | 3 |
GE 104 | Mathematics in the Modern World | 3 |
GE 101 | Understanding the Self | 3 |
PED 1 | Psychology & Socio. Found. Of Educ. | 3 |
PED 8 | Technology for Teaching & Learnings | 3 |
PED 3 | The Teacher & the Com.,SC & OL | 3 |
PE 101 | Physical Fitness | 2 |
CE 102 | The Gospels | 1 |
NSTP 1 | Civic Welfare Services 1 | 3 |
PED 2 | The Teaching Profession | 3 |
LIT 3 | Survey of the Phil. Literature in English | 3 |
LING 2 | Language, Culture & Society | 3 |
GE 113 | Philippine Indigenous Communities | 3 |
LING 1 | Introduction to Linguistics | 3 |
ELT 1 | Prin. & Theories of Lang. Acquisition | 3 |
ELT 2 | Lang. Programs & Policies in Mult. Soc. | 3 |
PE 102 | Rhythmic Activities | 2 |
CE 102 | The Epistles | 1 |
NSTP 2 | Civic Welfare Services 2 | 3 |
2nd YEAR
GE 107 | Science, Technology & Society | 3 |
ELT 7 | Speech & Theater Arts | 3 |
LING 3 | Structure of English | 3 |
LING 2 | Mythology and Folklore | 3 |
ELT 3 | Preparation of Lang. Materials Dev’t. | 3 |
LIT 6 | Contemporary Popular Culture | 3 |
GE 112 | People & Earth’s Ecosystem | 3 |
PE 103 | Recreational Activities | 2 |
CE 103 | The Laws | 1 |
GE 115 | Statistics and Probability | 3 |
GE 110 | Filipino sa Iba’t-ibang Disiplina | 3 |
ELT 4 | Teaching & Assessment of Literature | 3 |
GE 103 | The Contemporary World | 3 |
ELT 5 | Teaching & Assessment of Macroskills | 3 |
PED 5 | Facilitating Learner-centered Teaching | 3 |
LIT 4 | Survey of Afro-Asian Literature | 3 |
PED 6 | Assessment in Learning 1 | 3 |
PE 104 | Indiv., Dual & Combative Sports | 2 |
CE 104 | The Prophets | 1 |
GE 114 | Philippine Popular Culture | 3 |
3rd YEAR
GE 102 | Readings in Philippine History | 3 |
LIT 7 | Literary Criticism | 3 |
PED 9 | The Teacher & the School Curriculum | 3 |
GE 111 | Rizal’s Life and Works | 3 |
ALLIED2 | Technology for Learning Education | 3 |
LIT 5 | Survey of English & American | 3 |
GE 108 | Ethics | 3 |
PED 7 | Assessment in Learning 2 | 3 |
ELT 9 | Technical Writing | 3 |
LIT 1 | Children & Adolescent Literature | 3 |
ELT 8 | Language & Education Research | 3 |
PED 4 | Foundation of Special & Inclusive Educ. | 3 |
GE 106 | Arts Appreciation | 3 |
PED 111 | Research in Education | 3 |
ALLIED1 | Campus Journalism | 3 |
ELEC 5 | Creative Writing | 3 |
4th YEAR
ELT 6 | Teaching & Assessment of Grammar | 3 |
PED 14 | Guidance and Counseling | 3 |
PED 12 | Field Study 1 | 3 |
PED 13 | Field Study 2 | 3 |
PED 10 | Building & Enhancing New Lit. accros | 3 |
ELEC 6 | Remedial Instruction | 3 |
PED 15 | Teaching Internship | 6 |
PED 16 | LET Review | 3 |
Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED)
This program has bee prepared for prospective elementary school teachers to become effective molders of the youth of today, specializing in the elementary education content and pedagogy. It aims to develop highly motivated and competent teachers imbued with values and confidence needed to ensure success in teaching.
Career Opportunities for BEED Graduates
Primary Jobs: Elementary Classroom Teacher, Adviser, Guidance Counselor, School Administrator, School Owner, Private Tutor, Online Teacher.
Alternative Positions: Training and Development Specialist, Librarian, Guidance Counselor, Instructional Coordinator, Manager, Resource Speaker, Writer.
BEED Curriculum
1st YEAR
GE 105 | Purposive Communication | 3 |
GE 109 | Kontekstwalisado ng Komunikasyon sa Fil. | 3 |
GE 104 | Mathematics in the Modern World | 3 |
GE 101 | Understanding Self | 3 |
PED 1 | Psychology & Socio. Found. Of Education | 3 |
PED 8 | Technology for Teaching & Learnings | 3 |
PED 3 | The Teacher & the Community,School,Culture | 3 |
PE 101 | Physical Fitness | 2 |
CE 102 | The Gospel | 1 |
NSTP 1 | Civic Welfare Services 1 | 3 |
PED 2 | The Teaching Profession | 3 |
SC 1 | Teaching Science in Elem.Grades | 3 |
LING 2 | Language, Culture & Society | 3 |
GE 113 | Phil. Indegenous Communities | 3 |
MATH 1 | Teaching Math in Primary Grades | 3 |
VED | Good Manners & Right Conduct | 3 |
ENG 1 | Teaching English in Elem. Grades | 3 |
PE 102 | Rhythmic Activities | 2 |
CE 102 | The Epistles | 1 |
NSTP 2 | Civic Welfare Services 2 | 3 |
2nd YEAR
GE 107 | Science, Technology & Society | 3 |
ELT 7 | Speech & Theater Arts | 3 |
SSC 2 | Teaching Soc. Sci. in Elem.Grades | 3 |
LING 2 | Mythology & Folklore | 3 |
SSC 1 | Teaching SS in Elem.Grades(Phil.Hist. & Gov) | 3 |
FIL 1 | Pagtuturo ng Filipino sa Elem (E&G ng Wika) | 3 |
SC 2 | Teaching Science in Elem. Grades(P,E,&SS) | 3 |
PE 103 | Recreational Activities | 2 |
CE 103 | The Laws | 1 |
GE 115 | Statistics and Probability | 3 |
GE 110 | Filipino sa Iba’t-ibang Disiplina | 3 |
MUSIC | Teaching Music in Elem. Grades | 3 |
GE 103 | The Contemporary World | 3 |
MATH 2 | Teaching Math in Inter. Grades | 3 |
PED 5 | Facilitating Learner-centered Teach | 3 |
MTB | Content & Pedagogy of Mother Tongue | 3 |
PED 6 | Assessment in Learning 1 | 3 |
PE 104 | Indv., Dual & Combative Sports | 2 |
CE 104 | The Prophets | 1 |
GE 114 | Philippine Popular Culture | 3 |
3rd YEAR
GE 102 | Readings in Philippine History | 3 |
GE 112 | People & Earth’s Ecosystem | 3 |
PED 9 | The Teacher & the School Curriculum | 3 |
GE 111 | Rizal’s Life and Works | 3 |
ENG 2 | Teaching English in Elem. Grades Through Lit. | 3 |
PEH | Teaching PE & Health in Elementary Grades | 3 |
GE 108 | Ethics | 3 |
PED 7 | Assessment in Learning 2 | 3 |
ARTS | Teaching Arts in Elem. Grades | 3 |
PED 4 | Foundation of Special & Inclusive | 3 |
TLE 1 | Eduk. Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan | 3 |
GE 106 | Arts Appreciation | 3 |
LIT 1 | Children & Adolescent Literature | 3 |
RES | Research in Education | 3 |
ELEC 7 | Elective Teaching Multi-Grade Class | 3 |
4th YEAR
FIL 2 | Pagtuturo ng Fil. Sa Elementarya(Panitikan) | 3 |
TLE 2 | Eduk.Pantahanan at Pangkab. w/Entrep | 3 |
PED 12 | Field Study 1 | 3 |
PED 13 | Field Study 2 | 3 |
PED 14 | Guidance and Counseling | 3 |
ELEC 6 | Remedial Instruction | 3 |
PED 10 | Building & Enhancing New Literacies | 3 |
PED 15 | Teaching Internship | 6 |
PED 16 | LET Review | 3 |